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Сообщение: What AI tools should be used in schools in 2023?
Раздел: Обсуждение вопросов "Образования и Работы"
Список модераторов: Кустарник

Автор сообщения: kerly
Текст сообщения:
In 2023, AI tools are expected to be even more prevalent in schools today, helping teachers create more personalized and engaging learning experiences for their students. AI tools can help teachers to create tailored lessons, diagnose and provide personalized interventions, and provide feedback to students on their progress. One AI tool that can be used in schools in 2023 is AI-powered chatbots. By using natural language processing and machine learning, chatbots can interact with students in a more conversational manner, providing them with personalized guidance and support. Chatbots can help students to find answers to their questions, provide feedback on their assignments, and provide guidance on their studies. Another AI tool that can be used in schools in 2023 is AI-powered adaptive learning programs.

Adaptive learning programs use machine learning algorithms to tailor the instruction and content provided to students based on their individual needs and learning styles. This can help ensure that students receive the most effective instruction and that their learning needs are met. AI-powered assessment tools can also be used in schools in 2023. These tools use machine learning algorithms to automatically grade student assignments and provide personalized feedback to students on their progress. This can help teachers to save time and provide more timely and individualized feedback to students. Still,
Artificial Intelligence development companies are working on virtual reality (VR) tools that can be used in schools in 2023 to create interactive and immersive learning experiences for students. VR tools can help to create simulated experiences for students to engage in, allowing them to explore different topics more engagingly and interactively.