: Основное :

Стрелки используют различное пороховое оружие для нанесения дальнего урона. В этом классе оружия есть 5 разновидностей со своими уникальными способностями. Все они предназначены для 2х рук.

1. Пистолет: По стволу в каждую руку и атака двойными выстрелами to dual shoot. Огромная ASPD и точность.

Несколько скиллов: Chain Action, Rapid Shower, and Desperado.

2. Винтовка: ASPD меньше, чем у пистолетов, но HIT rate увеличен и каждый выстрел наносит неплохой урон.

Несколько скиллов: Tracking, Disarm, Piercing Shot.

3. Дробовик: ASPD очень маленькая, но каждый выстрел наносит огромный урон, к тому же имеет место быть небольшой урон по площади вокруг цели.

Несколько скиллов: Dust, Full Buster, and Spread Attack.

4. [Честно говоря я не знаю, как перевести gatling, этого же не знают ни в Кембридже, ни в Оксфорде, про яндукс вообще молчу... Предположительно это вертолетный шестиствольник, назовем его втупую, зато по-русски] Пулемет: Наибольшая ASPD из всех, но урон очень мал.

Нескольно скиллов: Gatling Fever.

5 Миномет (дословно гранотомет, но снаряды срабатывают как мины, что не дает его так назвать): Медленно перезаряжается, плохое ASPD, зато каждый выстрел наносит огромный урон. Также есть разные типы снарядов: одни обладают элементом, другие накладывают статусы.

Несколько скиллов: Ground Drift.

6. Прочее: Стрелки могут использовать монеты для различных умений. Скилл, "Flip the Coin" позволяет вам совершать кучу всяких гадостей и полезностей, включая поднятие HIT, понижение вражеского DEF, и т.п.

: Скиллы Стрелков :

1. Flip the Coin [Max LV 5]

Type: Support / Main Skill

Description: Подбрасывает монету (as skill says). Если решка, получаете золотую монетку. Если орел -- теряете обычную. Можно собрать до 10 штук, и более развитый скилл повышает шанс выпадения решки. Каждое использование требует 1з (всего-то).

2. Fling [Max LV 1]

Type: Active / Main Skill

Description: Испрользуя монету вы атакуете противника, одновременно понижая его DEF. Требует 5 монет за раз, чем больше монет будет потрачено, тем ниже опустится защита врага.

3. Triple Action [Max LV 1]

Type: Active / Main Skill

Description: Используя монету, наносит три выстрела подряд.

4. Bull's Eye [Max LV 1]

Type: Active / Main Skill

Description: Наносит мощный дамаг humanoid / beast монстрам. Требует 5 монет за раз, наносит 500% урона, и имеет 0.1% шанса наложить статус Coma. Кроме боссов, естественно.

5. Madness Canceller [Max LV 1]

Type: Support / Main Skill

Description: Требует 4 монеты за раз и повышает ваш АТК на 100, ASPD на 20%, но делает персонажа неподвижным. Длится 15 секунд. Не рабоает вместе со скиллом Аdjustment.

6. Adjustment [Max LV 1]

Type: Support / Main Skill

Description: Требует 2 монеты за раз чтобы понизить ВАШ HIT на 30, повысить FLEE на 30, и понизить весь получаемый физический урон на 20%. Не работает вместе со скиллом Madness Canceller.

7. Increase Accuracy [Max LV 1]

Type: Support / Main Skill

Description: Требует 2 монеты за раз для повышения HIT на 50, длительность = 1 минуте.

8. Magical Bullet [Max LV 1]

Type: Support / Main Skill

Description: Требует 1 монету за раз чтобы выстрелить магической пулей (обычные пули не используются). Ее урон расчитывается по ATK+MATK, а элемент -- Shadow.

9. Cracker [Max LV 1]

Type: Support / Main Skill

Description: Требует 1 монету за раз чтобы неожиданно выстрелить в противника, оглушив его (stun). Шанс оглушения повышается с понижением расстояния до врага.

10. Single Action [Max LV 10]

Type: Passive / Main Skill

Description: Основной скилл, позволяющий стрелять быстрее и точнее.

1 - 2 - 1%
2 - 4 - 1%
3 - 6 - 2%
4 - 8 - 2%
5 - 10 - 3%
6 - 12 - 3%
7 - 14 - 4%
8 - 16 - 4%
9 - 18 - 5%
10 - 20 - 5%

11. Snake's Eyes [Max LV 10]

Type: Passive / Main Skill

Description: Повышает HIT и дальность.

LV / HIT + Range
1 - 1
2 - 2
3 - 3
4 - 4
5 - 5
6 - 6
7 - 7
8 - 8
9 - 9
10 - 10

12. Chain Action [Max LV 10]

Type: Passive / Handgun Only

Description: Когда вы стреляете, этот скилл повышает шанс выстрелить дважды за раз. Шанс, соответственно, повышается с уровнем скилла.

13. Tracking [Max LV 10]

Type: Active / Handgun, Rifle Only

Description: Прицельно точное взятие на мушку для большего урона. С развитием скилла дамаг и время чтения увеличиваются.

LV / Damage / Cast Time
1 - 160% - 1.2 sec.
2 - 240% - 1.4 sec.
3 - 360% - 1.6 sec.
4 - 400% - 1.8 sec.
5 - 520% - 2 sec.
6 - 640% - 2.2 sec.
7 - 760% - 2.4 sec.
8 - 880% - 2.6 sec.
9 - 1000% - 2.8 sec.
10 - 1200% - 3 sec.

14. Disarm [Max LV 5]

Type: Active / Handgun, Rifle Only

Description: Стреляет по рукам оппонента с целью выбить оружие из них. Если скилл используется на монстре, тот получает -25% АТК. Шанс повышается с ростом уровня. Не работает на боссов.

15. Piercing Shot [Max LV 5]

Type: Active / Handgun, Rifle Only

Description: Простреивает врага насквозь О_о. Может наложить Bleeding.

LV / Damage / Chance of Bleeding Status Ailment
1 - 110% - 3%
2 - 120% - 6%
3 - 130% - 9%
4 - 140% - 12%
5 - 150% - 15%

16. Rapid Shower [Max LV 10]

Type: Active / Handgun Only

Description: Быстро атакует одного врага 5ю выстрелами.

LV / Damage
1 - 550%
2 - 600%
3 - 650%
4 - 700%
5 - 750%
6 - 800%
7 - 850%
8 - 900%
9 - 950%
10 - 1000%

17. Desperado [Max LV 10]

Type: Active / Handgun Only

Description: Атакует всех соперников в радиусе 7x7 клеток вокруг скастовавшего. Наносит 7 ударов.

LV / Damage
1 - 100%
2 - 150%
3 - 200%
4 - 250%
5 - 300%
6 - 350%
7 - 400%
8 - 450%
9 - 500%
10 - 550%

18. Gatling Fever [Max LV 10]

Type: Support / Gatling Gun Only

Description: Скилл повышает ASPD и урон, понижая FLEE и скорость передвижения. Повторное использование отменяет скилл.

LV / Damage / ASPD / FLEE / Lasting Time
1 - +30 - +2% - -5% - 30 sec.
2 - +40 - +4% - -10% - 45 sec.
3 - +50 - +6% - -15% - 60 sec.
4 - +60 - +8% - -20% - 75 sec.
5 - +70 - +10% - -25% - 90 sec.
6 - +80 - +12% - -30% - 105 sec.
7 - +90 - +14% - -35% - 120 sec.
8 - +100 - +16% - -40% - 135 sec.
9 - +110 - +18% - -45% - 150 sec.
10 - +120 - +20% - -50% - 160 sec.

19. Dust [Max LV 10]

Type: Active / Shotgun Only

Description: Выстреливает во врага и наносит большой урон за единственный выстрел.

LV / Damage
1 - 150%
2 - 200%
3 - 250%
4 - 300%
5 - 350%
6 - 400%
7 - 450%
8 - 500%
9 - 550%
10 - 600%

20. Full Buster [Max LV 5]

Type: Active / Shotgun Only

Description : Выстреливает несколькими зарядами одновременно, нанося огромный урон. После использования скилла вы некоторое время не сможете атаковать, пользоваться предметами и скиллами.

LV / Damage / Attack/Skill/Item Disable Time
1 - 500% - 1.5 sec.
2 - 750% - 2 sec.
3 - 1000% - 2.5 sec.
4 - 1250% - 3 sec.
5 - 1500% - 3.5 sec.

21. Spread Attack [Max LV 10]

Type: Active / Shotgun Only

Description: Расстреливает заряды дробовика по большой площади.

LV / Damage / Range
1 - 100% - 3x3 cells
2 - 120% - 3x3 cells
3 - 140% - 3x3 cells
4 - 160% - 5x5 cells
5 - 180% - 5x5 cells
6 - 200% - 5x5 cells
7 - 220% - 7x7 cells
8 - 240% - 7x7 cells
9 - 260% - 7x7 cells
10 - 280% - 9x9 cells

22. Ground Drift [Max LV 10]

Type: Active / Grenade Launcher Only

Description: Выстреливает снаряд, который падает на землю. Если противник приближается к нему, снаряд (мина) взрывается, нанося урон и накладывая статус (в зависимости от типа мины).

LV / Damage / Lasting Time (before forced explosion)
1 - +50 - 3 sec.
2 - +100 - 6 sec.
3 - +150 - 9 sec.
4 - +200 - 12 sec.
5 - +250 - 15 sec.
6 - +300 - 18 sec.
7 - +350 - 21 sec.
8 - +400 - 24 sec.
9 - +450 - 27 sec.
10 - +500 - 30 sec.

Expanded Classes Ninja and Gunner - Weapons

Updated March 2nd, with more info and illustrations.


Branch [3] (#13100)
A small firearm with a lengthened barrel to improve accuracy at a long range. Despite its appearance its easier to wield than a pistol.
Type: Rifle
Attack: 20
Weight: 50
Weapon Level: 1
Usable Level: 1
Refinable: Yes

Six Shooter [1] (#13101)
Six Shooter [2] (#13102)
A six shot rotating magazine pistol for firing in rapid succession. The most basic firearm for any Gunner.
Hit - 10
Type: Revolver
Attack: 30
Weight: 40
Weapon Level: 1
Usable Level: 1
Refinable: Yes

Crimson Bolt [1] (#13103)
Crimson Bolt [2] (#13104)
A dark red colored revolver which looks like the color of blood. Its rumored to be cursed.
Hit - 10
Type: Revolver
Attack: 45
Weight: 45
Weapon Level: 2
Usable Level: 6
Refinable: Yes

Garrison [1] (#13105)
Garrison [2] (#13106)
A rarity which was manufactured custom made. This rare revolver has its makers name etched into it.
Hit - 10
Type: Revolver
Attack: 70
Weight: 50
Weapon Level: 2
Usable Level: 22

Gold Lux [0] (#13107)
A dazzling, golden colored revolver that clearly values style and flashiness over functionality. One would get alot of attention holding this.
Hit - 10
Type: Revolver
Attack: 20
Weight: 50
Weapon Level: 3
Usable Level: 12

Cyclonic [1] (#13108)
Cyclonic [2] (#13109)
Appropriately named after the power of a storm, this rifle delivers a strong explosive round at a target from far away.
Hit + 10, Crit + 10
Type: Rifle
Attack: 130
Weight: 70
Weapon Level: 2
Usable Level: 24

Dusk [1] (#13110)
This model brings great improvement in attack power over existing rifles. The rifles name means to "Bring the gift of darkness" to your enemies.
Hit + 10, Crit + 10
Type: Rifle
Attack: 160
Weight: 75
Weapon Level: 1
Usable Level: 1

Rolling Stone [1] (#13111)
The sound of firing this gun is said to sound like the great roar of tumbling stones, and hence it was named the Rolling Stone. This weapon is crude, so take care when firing it.
Splash Damage
Type: Shotgun
Attack: 135
Weight: 90
Weapon Level: 1
Usable Level: 14

Black Rose [1] (#13112)
A fast action, pitch black remodelled shotgun, which has improved power with two separate barrels.
Splash Damage
Type: Shotgun
Attack: 180
Weight: 90
Weapon Level: 2
Usable Level: 35

Gatekeeper [0] (#13113)
The true name is said to mean the "Defender of the Impregnable fortress". This is the highest power shotgun currently available.
Splash Damage
Type: Shotgun
Attack: 195
Weight: 100
Weapon Level: 3
Usable Level: 24

Drifter [1] (#13114)
Named after a vagrent, who wanders from place to place. This gun fires in rapid succession with an electronic controlled rotating barrel.
Type: Gatling Gun
Attack: 50
Weight: 230
Weapon Level: 2
Usable Level: 55

Butcher [1] (#13115)
Butcher [2] (#13116)
This gun fires in rapid succession with an electronic controlled rotating barrel. This gun is aptly named for the terrifying power it gives its wielder.
Against brute type monsters, +5 crit
Type: Gatling Gun
Attack: 75
Weight: 250
Weapon Level: 2
Usable Level: 68

Destroyer [0] (#13117)
Destroyer [1] (#13118)
This grenade launcher boasts a high power explosive attack.
Can break targets armor when fired at close range.
Type: Grenade Launcher
Attack: 220
Weight: 120
Weapon Level: 2
Usable Level: 52

Inferno [1] (#13119)
This high power grenade launcher is said to shoot the very fires of hell.
Can break targets armor when fired at close range.
Type: Grenate Launcher
Attack: 280
Weight: 125
Weapon Level: 2
Usable Level: 65


Bullet (#13200)
A slim metal round designed to efficiently penatrate a target.
Type: Bullet
Attribute: Neutral
Attack: 10
Weight: 0.2

Silver Bullet (#13201)
A silver bullet which holds holy power.
Type: Bullet
Attribute: Holy
Attack: 15
Weight: 0.2

Cell of Blood (#13202)
A blood red bullet which radiates a red light.
Causes bleeding attribute on target by chance
Type: Bullet
Attribute: Neutral
Attack: 30
Weight: 0.2

Flare Sphere (#13203)
A grenade launcher only shell endowed with fire.
Type: Bullet
Attribute: Fire
Attack: 50
Weight: 0.5

Lightning Sphere (#13204)
A grenade launcher only shell endowed with power of the wind.
Type: Bullet
Attribute: Wind
Attack: 50
Weight: 0.5

Poison Sphere (#13205)
A grenade launcher only shell which poison an enemy.
Causes poison attribute on target by chance.
Type: Bullet
Attribute: Poison
Attack: 50
Weight: 0.5

Blinding Sphere (#13206)
A grenade launcher only shell which blinds an enemy.
Causes blind attribute on target by chance.
Type: Bullet
Attribute: Shadow
Attack: 50
Weight: 0.5

Freezing Sphere (#13207)
A grenade launcher onlys hell which magically freezes an opponent.
Causes freezing on target by chance.
Type: Bullet
Attribute: Water
Attack: 50
Weight: 0.2


Gokurin (#13006)
This sinister blade with a hilt carved from black dragon scales, delivers the power of darkness and said to carry a terrible curse.
Has a chance to curse the target when attacking in melee.
(Weapon stats unknown)
Type: Sword
Attack: -
Weight: -
Weapon Level: -
Usable Level: -
Usable Class: Ninja
Refinable: -

Jitte (#13007)
Jitte [1] (#13008)
Usually used as an offhand weapon that, by its unique design can deprive an enemy of his blade. Its easy to use but has poor killing power.
Has a low chance of breaking the enemy's weapon in melee.
(Weapon stats unknown)
Type: Sword
Attack: -
Weight: -
Weapon Level: -
Usable Level: -
Usable Class: Ninja
Refinable: -

Kamaitachi (#13009)
A weapon of ancient japanese legend. It is said it moves like the wind and cuts any object.
Crit + 1
(Weapon stats unknown)
Type: Sword
Attack: -
Weight: -
Weapon Level: -
Usable Level: -
Usable Class: Ninja
Refinable: -

Ashura [2] (#13010)
Ashura [3] (#13011)
The old gods have given this weapon as a present to humans. When holding it, one feels the impulse to destroy.
(Weapon stats unknown)
Type: Dagger
Attack: -
Weight: -
Weapon Level: -
Usable Level: -
Usable Class: Ninja
Refinable: -

Murasame (#13012)
Murasame [1] (#13013)
A famous sword which can cut even flowing water. Legend says that a sharp cut even through thin air can permeate water.
When fighting demi-human opponents in melee, Crit+5
(Weapon stats unknown)
Type: Sword
Attack: -
Weight: -
Weapon Level: -
Usable Level: -
Usable Class: Ninja
Refinable: -

Hakujin (#13014)
Hakujin [1] (#13015)
A radiant white blade crafted from bone, with a suitable for piercing cuts.
Has a chance to use Heal Lv1 on yourself when attacking.
(Weapon stats unknown)
Type: Sword
Attack: -
Weight: -
Weapon Level: -
Usable Level: -
Usable Class: Ninja
Refinable: -


Shuriken (#13250)
A bladed weapon which can be easily consealed. Because of its cross shape its sometimes called the 'cross blade'.
Type: Throwing Weapon
Attribute: Neutral
Attack: 10
Weight: 1

Raincloud Shuriken (#13251)
It is said the effect of this shuriken will grow in rain and wind.
Type: Throwing Weapon
Attribute: Neutral
Attack: 30
Weight: 2

Flash Shuriken (#13252)
A shuriken that moves at the blinding speed of light.
Type: Throwing Weapon
Attribute: Neutral
Attack: 45
Weight: 3

Pointed Leaf Shuriken (#13253)
A thin and fast shuriken that looks somewhat like a leaf in shape.
Type: Throwing Weapon
Attribute: Neutral
Attack: 70
Weight: 3

Piercing Thorn Shuriken (#13254)
A terrific weapon designed with sharp hooks to stick inside an enemy when it strikes them.
Type: Throwing Weapon
Attribute: Neutral
Attack: 100
Weight: 2


Kunai of Frozen Icicle (#13255)
A kunai embrased by freezing cold. The cold chills to the bone.
Type: Throwing Weapon
Attribute: Water
Attack: 30
Weight: 5

Kunai of Black Earth (#13256)
A solid damaging kunai which holds the power of earth.
Type: Throwing Weapon
Attribute: Earth
Attack: 30
Weight: 5

Kunai of Violent Winds (#13257)
This kunai has the feeling of the power of piercing winds. This kunai has a sharper feel than the other kunai's.
Type: Throwing Weapon
Attribute: Wind
Attack: 30
Weight: 5

Kunai of Fierce Heat (#13258)
This kunai causes exploding fire around its target. You must exercise caution when handling this.
Type: Throwing Weapon
Attribute: Fire
Attack: 30
Weight: 5

Kunai of Fierce Poison (#13259)
A kunai coated in a deadly poison to take down your foes. It is said to be the most efficient manner of killing.
Has a chance to poison your target.
Type: Throwing Weapon
Attribute: Poison
Attack: 30
Weight: 5

Kazema Shuriken

Kazemashuriken: Beneki (#13300)
Its name is given because of its resemblance to the wings of a bird. The famous weapon of the Kazema Clan.
(Weapon stats unknown)
Type: Kazema
Attack: -
Weight: -
Weapon Level: -
Usable Level: -
Usable Class: Ninja
Refinable: -

Kazemashuriken: Daisharin (#13301)
Kazemashuriken: Daisharin [1] (#13302)
With its large round waterwheel like appearance, this heavy bladed weapon can be a fierce weapon.
Has a low chance to cause bleeding on its target.
(Weapon stats unknown)
Type: Kazema
Attack: -
Weight: -
Weapon Level: -
Usable Level: -
Usable Class: Ninja
Refinable: -

Kazemashuriken: Rekka (#13303)
A kazema's (Wind Demon) shuriken endowed with fire element. Because of the way waves of fire emitted from its 4 points when brandished, this is often associated with fireworks.
Has a chance of casting fir****l 10 when attacking.
(Weapon stats unknown)
Type: Kazema
Attack: -
Weight: -
Weapon Level: -
Usable Level: -
Usable Class: Ninja
Refinable: -


Burning Stone (#7521)
A fire endowed sphere used as a catalyst in Ninjutsu arts.
Weight: 1

Freezing Stone (#7522)
An ice endowed sphere used as a catalyst in Ninjutsu arts.
Weight: 1

Windchime Stone (#7523
A wind endowed sphere used as a catalyst in Ninjutsu arts.
Weight: 1

Fang (#7524)
In order to use the ninja's power of consealment, you'll need to be aided by this stronger Ninjutsu catalyst.
Weight: 1


Gauntlet (#2117)
Gauntlet [1] (#2118)
An armored wrist guard for ninja's only. With horizontal bars and iron plates built into it, this item brings a deceptively durrable and efficient defence.
Position: Shield Slot
Armor Value: 4
Weight: 15
Usable Level: 20
Refinable: Yes

Superior Gauntlet (#2119)
Superior Gauntlet [1] (#2120)
An armored wrist guard for ninja's only. Generation after generation of prodegy workmanship has lead to the rapid development of this superior piece.
Position: Shield Slot
Armor Value: 7
Weight: 15
Usable Level: 30
Refinable: Yes